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Halestorm - What sober couldn't say - Testi - TrovaCd
Halestorm - Into the Wild Life




14 aprile 2015

Heavy Metal









da verificare


€ 17,40


12.  What Sober Couldn't Say

Headed for a black out
Hurting like hell
Finding my way to the bottom of the bottle
Packing up my suitcase, leaving no trace
One step closer with every swallow
Deafening silence
That you liked me when you want me
Saying nothing
Not this time
I'm gonna say
I'm gonna say

What sober couldn't say
Couldn't break through
Under the influence of you
Incoherent, truth serum
Just enough to make me bulletproof
I'm so over this
Love don't buy a lot
I'm drunk and brave enough to say
What sober couldn't say

Criminal in my mind
I've been doing time
Believing in the lie that you still loved me
Making up for the slammin' of the door
Always wanting more but never giving
Sick of the cryin', tired of tryin'
Always buying into every kiss
Not this time

What sober couldn't say
Couldn't break through
Under the influence of you
Incoherent, truth serum
Just enough to make me bulletproof
I'm so over this
Love don't buy a lot
I'm drunk and brave enough to say
What sober couldn't say

This is my intervention
Getting your attention
I'm gonna say
I'm gonna say
I'm gonna say

What sober couldn't say
Couldn't break through
Under the influence of you
Incoherent, truth serum
Just enough to make me bulletproof
I'm so over this
Love don't buy a lot
I'm drunk and brave enough to say
What sober couldn't say

What sober couldn't say
I'm so over this
Love don't buy a lot
I'm drunk and brave enough to say
I'm over this
So over this

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